A World Without Photosynthesis


Process of Photosynthesis

1)The process begins when it starts to rain and when you breathe out the carbon dioxide.
2)It takes the carbon dioxide through the leaves and the water through the roots of the plant.
 3) They then mix together inthe chloroplast where the light is trapped .
4)The mixture of the two makes a substances called glucose .A simple sugar and give off oxygen so things can breathe .
5)Then it takes the carbon dioxide in return and takes in water so the process can continue.
6)Photosynthesis is found by plants to produce food.

The importance of Photosynthesis

1)The primary product of photosynthesis is glucose which is the carbonhydrates like celulose.
2)It is importance to us as in process of photosynthesis oxygen is released.
3)it is how plant feed themselves.
4)Without photosynthesis, the earth will be a dead planet, because the cycle of energy flow would be phohibited and all animals will die .
5)Without photosynthesis, all the energy from the sun would be wasted.
6)The importance of photosynthesis can be understood with respect to our breathing process.The breathing process keepsn us alive and photosynthesis provide us oxygen to breathe in.

How will it affect the plants and animals if there is no photosynthesis

1)Plants will die.
2)Animals wil die.
3)We won't have enough oxygen.
4)Some herbivores animals will die because there are no food .
5)Humans die.
6)If there are no photosynthesis .the provision of oxygen by the trees would be lost and  it would lead in increasing the degree of global warming as poisonous accumuulate in atmosphere.